Looking for jam buddies, casual
- Listing Type: Record & Rehearse
- Category: Rehearse
- Listing Location: Canterbury
- Record or Rehearse: Rehearse
- Listed By: Crooks
- Listing ID: 8259
Hi I'm an amature guitarist and vocalist looking for a group of people to experiment with and just have a bit of fun. We could possibly use my garage (which is reasonably sound proof) to setup in and I do have some recording software and basic equipment
Types of music I love, more or less alternative 90's / 2000's rock. Such as Alice in chains, Chris Cornell,QOTSA, STP's, basically grungy type music, I really appreciate it for its authenticity and outside of the square composition. Prefer acoustic sound but also like some distortion.
Email me if interested : tom_crooks@hotmail.com