01:59am, 19th May 2024
  • Listing Type: Musicians Wanted
  • Category: Drummer
  • Listing Location: Auckland
  • Wanted or Available: Available
  • Listed By: bnovak70@hotmail.com
  • Listing ID: 8200

So I have written a song that was a top 20 hit across Europe - No 12 in the Uk Top 20 and No.2 in Italy. I have a single song deal with Sony in the UK. You can see my version of the song here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQCORp_241M
- and the hit version Sony put out here,  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqW2NnQPq80&t=0s Also you can watch the story of the song on the TVNZ Sunday programme here.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjMuV-Oc2Kg

urn Your Car Around has never been released in the United States or Australia so the opportunity exists to launch the track with a new band in those territories. 

About me
I live in Auckland central. I am good at writing hooks, catchy choruses - that sort of thing. I’d like to join a young band. The reason I say young is because of the ‘energy’ it takes to get things done in the music business. I have put years and years into all that - practicing, writing, booking gigs, playing live, carrying gear, connecting with people - all that stuff. These days I have a family, little kids etc - I can’t be the one who “drives” things anymore as I don’t have the time. Also, the scene is different now. Social media profiles and followers are all important. You don’t need record companies and radio stations to make it work anymore. But I don’t know much about those aspects of the business - and plus my songs need a shot of ‘today’ injected into them.

So I am looking for a band who are fired up and want to make something happen. Hopefully, you have a great singer/front person - and somebody in the band is into production (good home studio etc). But maybe you are light on good songs or you’ve just started trying to write your own stuff? I am prepared to offer writer splits on songs to band members. If you play live I’d like to stand in the shadows at the back by the drummer, playing very average rhythm guitar and doing BVs.
You can hear a selection of my songs on Soundcloud here - these are a good representation of what/how I write.  https://soundcloud.com/nineninetymusic/sets/ben-novak-americana-pop-rock

If you're interested please send an email to bnovak70@hotmail.com with some links to your songs or live shows, band pics etc and I will get back to you ASAP 





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