Mutinous Productions
Publishing, distribution and recording options to local musicians at a minimal cost since 2015.- Listing Type: Artist Services
- Category: Packaging & Distribution
- Listing Location: Auckland
- Private or Company: Company
- Listing ID: 7535
Independent Record Label based in New Zealand providing publishing, distribution and recording options to local musicians at a minimal cost since 2015. Independent Record Label based in New Zealand providing publishing, distribution and recording options to local musicians at a minimal cost since 2015. To get you the best possible results for your music, we are proud to work with:, APRA/AMCOS, MordecaiRecords, PrimalMastering, Itunes, Spotify, Soundcloud, MSGroove, GooglePlay, Shazam and many more.
Over the last 2 years, we've been stoked to be able to provide up and coming musicians with the means to produce, publish and promote their music professionally on some of the biggest platforms the industry has to offer, at little or no cost. We also work with some of NZ's best independents such as;, Mordecai Records and Primal Mastering to connect artists with the best possible results for their music.
So far we've worked with bands like; Team Kill, Down By Nine, HeadRoller, Silent Torture and Clæmus to name a few, helping put Kiwi Metal on the map at home and all over the world. If your planning your next recording or have something you'd like to release, old or new, without all the added costs and confusion. Contact us today! Enquiries and Review Requests welome.

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