06:02am, 6th Feb 2025
  • Listing Type: Artist Services
  • Category: Record Labels
  • Listing Location: Canterbury
  • Private or Company: Company
  • Listing ID: 7515

Simply put, we are an independent New Zealand music label. We started in 1981, like many independent labels do, by just wanting to make music we like available for people we like. It is still why we do it. But a lot’s happened since then. Pretty soon we got bigger than we’d ever have dreamed possible.

All the while working with a wonderfully diverse bunch of brilliant bands and crazy characters that were making music for like-minded people all around the world. Then we got partially bought by someone else. But after a while they got bought by someone else.

And after some more time Flying Nun stopped being what it was supposed to be… We started off with a simple, do-it-yourself post-punk attitude, which still remains. After all, who else was going to record and release the likes of The Clean, Chris Knox or The Dead C. It also happened that we were stuck on a couple of remote islands at the bottom of the world. So we were always going to be a bit different from the word go. We are truly independent in the ‘music industry’ sense of the term, and Flying Nun Records - as it always was - is about the musicians and the fans, so feel free to say hi, spout an opinion, or simply let us know what you want to hear.

All in all, nothing’s changed really. We’re right back where we started, just a little bit older and (maybe) a little bit wiser.



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